CD-160.6 - AM.TEL.& TEL.CO. Sold For: $528 Color: Light Aqua
| Samuel Oakman's patent date of November 13, 1883, for a double petticoat design, appears on the rear of this early insulator nicknamed the "Pilgrim Hat". This style was produced for the American Telephone & Telegraph Company by Brookfield. A 1/4" sized impurity can be seen on the wire groove. An uncommon piece, especially in excellent condition with bold embossing! |
********************* Auction Date October, 2020 ************************** |
Bill & Jill Insulators - Next Auction: Coming Soon |
CD-160.6 - AM.TEL.& TEL.CO. Sold For: $462 Color: Light Aqua
| Samuel Oakman's patent date of November 13, 1883, for a double petticoat design, appears on the rear of this early insulator nicknamed the "Pilgrim Hat". A couple of factory annealing lines from the dome to the skirt, otherwise great condition. There are a limited number of this older style in the hobby, and this one was picked off a pole in New England. These "Pilgrim Hats" were produced for the American Telephone & Telegraph Company by Brookfield. A great early threaded piece of glass! |
CD-160.6 - AM. TEL. & TEL. CO. Sold For: $605 Color: Light Aqua
| {MLOD} Two 1/8" base flakes on the rear next to an open bubble. Really good condition. Samuel Oakman's patent date of Nov 13, 1883, for a double petticoat design, appears on the rear of this early insulator nicknamed the "Pilgrim Hat". Although most AM. TEL. & TEL. CO. embossed insulators were tolls and transpositions, there have been a limited number of this scarce older style recovered from Massachusetts and New York. These "Pilgrim Hats" were produced for the American Telephone & Telegraph Company by Brookfield. A great early threaded piece of glass! |
********************* Auction Date September, 2015 ************************** |
Bill & Jill Insulators - Next Auction: Coming Soon |
CD-160.6 - AM. TEL. & TEL. CO. Sold For: $352 Color: Light Aqua
| Very near mint. Samuel Oakman's patent date of Nov 13, 1883, for a double petticoat design, appears on the rear of this uncommon early double petticoat "Pilgrim Hat" insulator. A number of these AM. TEL. & TEL. CO. embossed insulators were only used in the Massachusetts area. A "checkmark" string of tiny bubbles can be seen in the front skirt; a neat little addition to this neat little insulator! (#0149) |
********************* Auction Date October, 2014 ************************** |
Bill & Jill Insulators - Next Auction: Coming Soon |
CD-160.6 - AM.TEL.& TEL.CO. Sold For: $418 Color: Light Aqua
| VVNM! A nice example of the uncommon early double petticoat "Pilgrim Hat" style. A number of the AM.TEL.& TEL. embossed insulators were only used in the Massachusetts area. Samuel Oakman's patent date of Nov 13, 1883 appears on the rear of the insulator. (#0234) |
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