********************* Auction Date October, 2024 ************************** |
CD-216 - WHITALL TATUM Sold For: $20 Color: Root Beer Amber
| Mint,
CD-216 - ARMSTRONG Sold For: $35 Color: Root Beer Amber
| Mint.
CD-216 - Hemingray Flashed Yellow Amber Sold For: $310
| CD 216 Hemingray (010) Flashed Yellow Amber. Outstanding piece with marvelous streaking. |
CD-216 - & CD 272 Armstrong Dual Sold For: $6
| CD 216 & CD 272 Armstrong Dual. Both Root Beer Amber. The CD 216 is (010) in |
CD-216 - HEMINGRAY Sold For: $550 Color: Flashed Amber
| Nice amber striping! Very near mint. Only three pintype CDs by Hemingray are found in Flashed Amber: CD 162, CD 252 and this one. Be sure and grab this for your collection! |
********************* Auction Date October, 2020 ************************** |
Eagle Cap Collectables - Next Auction: Coming Soon |
CD-216 - Hemingray Flashed Orange Amber Sold For: $100 Item: #19
CD-216 - Hemingay Lowex Dark Honey Amber Sold For: $25 Item: #74
********************* Auction Date September, 2019 ************************** |
Bill & Jill Insulators - Next Auction: Coming Soon |
CD-216 - HEMINGRAY 661 Sold For: $176 Color: Flashed Red Amber
| A 1/2" stress line up from the base in the rear, otherwise easily very near mint. An unusual "Mold Line Over the Base" {MLOB} atypical of Hemingray pieces. Produced in 1941. Hemingray only made three pin-type styles in Flashed Amber: CD 162, CD 216 and CD 252. Streaks in the flashed amber coloration add extra interest! |
CD-216 - HEMINGRAY 661 Sold For: $176 Color: Flashed Orange Amber
| We'll grade this very near mint due to a 1/4" flake under the ear and a couple of 1/4" flakes inside the outer skirt. We have seen increased interest in flashed amber insulators. You can see areas of streaking in the skirt, enhancing the overall appearance. See lot 171 for the CD 252 in flashed amber, and consider adding both to your collection! |
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